13th. Place at the European Championship Ten Dance
13th. Place at the European Championship Ten Dance
One of our best Results so far. Since over 20 Years no Swiss Couple made it this far in a Ten Dance Championship.
We felt extremely good being able to perform again in front of an audience. Because of Corona there were no comps held since February. The fans give as a lot of energy. When they are excited about our dancing and cheer for us we perform on a higher level.
At our last European Championship we were placed 24. How could we pass our rivals so quickly? We really have to give a lot of credit to our sponsors. For example, the swiss armed forces. Davide joined the army in 2020 so we could practice in the Competence Centre of Sport 6 days a week for 6 hours a day. It was worth it. Additionally, we thank all our smaller private sponsors. We had many private lessons with our teachers from abroad. At...